Thursday, January 15, 2009

Watchmen Settlement!

The current news on the Watchmen case between Fox and Warner Bros. is this: they have reached a settlement. Fox and Warner have resolved it and, in short, it looks like we'll be seeing Watchmen on March 6th as originally planned. Hoorah!

BUT (huge but), according to, "THR says a Fox spokesman said "no final deal had been reached." So keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best tomorrow.

I have a feeling that everything will pan out and the movie will still be on schedule (seems like that's pretty much locked in now) as this all gets wrapped up. Here's the claim from The Hollywood Reporter regarding the settlement:

"Warner Bros. and Fox have resolved their dispute over Watchmen, with the studios scheduled to present the settlement to Judge Gary Feess on Friday morning and request that the case be dismissed. Terms of the agreement will not be disclosed, but it is said to involve a sizable cash payment to Fox and a percentage of the film’s box office."

Fox no longer holds the rights to Watchmen and will not hold any future rights.

Wow. This all seems like a nice turn of events in light of the Christmas decision. I have to wonder if it really is over. We'll see in the days ahead.

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